Monday, November 30, 2009

Chez le Dentiste - French Dentist Vocabulary

Going to the dentist is a situation where you want to make sure that you can communicate effectively. Take a look at this page for essential French vocabulary and verbs for talking to a dentist.

tooth- la dent
baby tooth-la dent de lait
back tooth-la dent du fond
canine tooth-la canine
front tooth-la dent de devant
lower tooth-la dent du bas
molar-la molaire
upper tooth-la dent du haut
wisdom tooth-la dent de sagesse
gums-la gencive
jaw-la mâchoire
mouth-la bouche

abscess-un abcès
local anesthesia-une anesthésie locale
broken tooth-une dent cassée
cavity-une carie
crown-la couronne
filling-un plombage
infected -infecté
injection -une piqûre
Novocain- la Novocaïne
open your mouth- ouvrez la bouche

root canal-le canal dentaire
teeth cleaning -le détartrage

toothache-mal aux dents

to bleed - saigner
to brush (one's teeth)- se brosser (les dents)
to hurt - se faire mal
to lose- perdre
to pull out, remove - arracher
to replace - remplacer
to rinse - rincer

1 comment:

  1. Now if I end up with a toothache in Paris I can go to the dentist without the fear of gettin the wrong tooth out.. Phew! What a relief.. :)
